Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who, me?


The indignities never end.


Okay, one thing is, they keep giving me baths. Which is humiliating enough. Except for the drying off part, which I have to admit is the goddamn cat's pajamas. But then they've been putting some nasty-ass flea medicine on me, which smells like the worst thing in the world times about a brazilian. And worse yet, this freaking neem oil shit that just smells like ass.

And not in a good way.


Right now I'm in trouble because of another smell. Which is what. I don't know. It smells like a hundred thousand dead cows and there is some dead chicken in there, and also dead moles and some fish, smelt maybe, and I think a couple of old dead people, too. Plus some whale bones and elephant carcasses.

Bone meal. Blood meal. 

They put it all over the goddamn garden!

It smells like a freakin' slaughterhouse!


In a good way.


So, I got in there a little bit. Put my face in there. Right in there. Shit, I wanted to climb in and roll around, get it rubbed in to every square inch of me.

But a lady has to maintain a certain level of respectability.

So I just rooted around like a little piggie with my snout.




Now I ain't allowed out no more.


I ask you, where's the justice?


And, yes. It's time for another bath.


1 comment:

james said...

lu, you missed your calling: you orta been a stand-up dog.